Become a member
New members are always welcome. To become a member:
apply using the form below (no payment required at this point),
the Committee will contact you to make a time for a welcome and orientation session at the Garden,
You will be invited to join two working bees and once attendance is completed
the Committee will consider your application and advise you of the outcome,
once endorsed, you can then complete payment using the details below.
Payment details
New and renewing members can pay their fees to the following bank account. Please cite your first initial and surname.
Fees remain the same for the 2024/2025 year
Single: $40, Family: $60, Plot: $30
BSB 633 000 Account No. 143328003
Membership application form
Please read the Information for Members before submitting your application. In submitting this Application to become a Member, you agree that:
(a) You support the Purposes of the Association
(b) You agree to follow the policies of the Garden
(c) You agree to comply with the Rules of Association.